Anti Snore Devices
Better Rest for those around you and yourself
The Panthera Anti-Snoring Device
The Panthera Anti-Snoring Device (custom made with 3D printed technology). Efficient & Comfortable. Small & Light. Flexible & Resistant. Breath Quietly.
The Panthera Anti-Snoring Device is recommended for:
- Snoring
- Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea
- Severe Sleep Apnea is refused CPAP
- Alternatively with CPAP (practical when travelling)
Between the ages of 33 and 69
- 69% of men snore
- 46% of women snore
- 54% of couples are affected
- 26% sleep in separate rooms
What about you?
- Do you snore every night?
- Are your friends and family bothered by your snoring?
- Do you have breathing pauses at night?
- Do you frequently suffer from headaches?
- Do you wake up tired even after getting a full night’s sleep?
- Do you feel tired during the day?
- Do you easily fall asleep at the movie theatre or in front of the TV?
- Do you tend to fall asleep while travelling?
- Do you suffer from high blood pressure?
Snoring is a sound caused by the vibration of the soft tissue of the throat (uvula, soft palate, pharyngeal wall). Because the path of airflow is too narrow, the snorer must make efforts to allow air circulation, and that is why the sound is produced.
In most cases, snoring gets worse with time, age and weight gain.

The Solution – The Panthera Anti-Snoring Device
The Panthera Anti-Snoring Device, a Quebec innovation, is the solution to your snoring problem. Custom-made by computer, this device holds the lower jaw in a forward position and can be worn every night in total comfort. The respiratory track diameter is thus increased, which facilities airflow and eliminates the primary source for snoring problem
- Snoring (95% efficiency)
- Sleep and quality of life
- Level of energy upon waking
- Couple relationship
- Worsening of snoring
- Disease development
- Spouse’s sleep and quality of life